
All members of our Strata Manager Chapter are ‘PROFESSIONAL STRATA MANAGERS’.

SCA (NSW) strives to ensure that all strata manager members are able to deliver

services to the public that are of the highest professional and ethical standard.


Everything you need to know 


The Peak Industry Body for Strata & Community Title Management

2020/2021 Annual Report


14 January 2022

SCA (NSW) renews position on COVID-19 whilst NSW faces another challenge presented by the Omnicron variant. Our position on business practices and electronic meetings remains the same but is extended to 31st March 2022 when Sec 271A of the Strata Schemes Management Act is repealed. 

A copy of the advice which can be provided to your clients can be found here SCA NSW Strata Meeting General Recommendations Jan 2022.

Latest information on Covid-19 restrictions can be found on the NSW Government website:

8 December 2021

In this episode SCA (NSW) President Stephen Brell is joined by our board directors to wrap up our PSS webinar sessions for 2021.

The panel give high-level insight into the recommendations which the NSW Government has received for the Strata Schemes Management Act Statutory Review that will take place next year.

They also provide a quick guide for businesses on the Christmas closure period and how it can be run effectively.

Stephen Brell (SCA NSW President & Director Netstrata) is be joined by Tony Irvine (Senior Vice President and Director Your Local Strata) and Emily Doherty (Vice President and State Manager NSW and SA Smarter Communities) and for the final time this year, they answer your questions.

1 December 2021

Episode 30 was presented by the SCA (NSW) newly appointed President, Stephen Brell, Tony Irvine, SCA (NSW) Senior Vice President and Emily Doherty, SCA (NSW) Vice President.
The session covered how you can manage your customer’s behaviour, Stephen recently presented this topic at the Annual Convention and the feedback was so well received we wanted to share the session content with all members.
Stephen, Tony and Emily provide insights into practical solutions that can be implemented in businesses.

17 November 2021

This episode is joined by David Bannerman – Bannermans Lawyers and SCA (NSW) Board Director to present a webinar to discuss the changes to the Community Land Management Act which come into effect from 1st December, what you need to do to prepare and what the further amendments to the regulations mean.

Question Register:

The questions and their answers can be located by referring to the *timestamps below.
*Timestamp refers to the actual time this question was asked and answered during the webinar.

COVID-19 advice for multi-unit dwellings

NSW Health has provided updated best practice public health advice for building managers, strata managers and strata committees to ensure the safety and wellbeing of their residents, and describes how current Public Health Orders apply to residential buildings in different areas.

It can also be used as a common sense guide for communities unaffected by Orders to manage their common property.

Building managers, strata managers and strata committees can download the COVID-19 Preparedness Checklist for Multi-Unit Dwellings to make sure they are equipped to stop the spread of COVID-19 in their building.

For information about local restrictions and relevant Public Health Order requirements, in particular the declaration of “general areas”, “stay-at-home areas” and “areas of concern”, please visit nsw.com.au. For more information about COVID-19 and property management, go to fairtrading.nsw.gov.au.

More details available at NSW Health website 

10 November 2021

The 28th episode session covers guidance for Strata Managers with respect to building defect claims pursuant to the Design & Building Practitioners Act 2020 and what these changes mean for the industry,

The Design & Building Practitioners Act 2020 has added an additional avenue for Owners Corporation to explore when considering the pursuit of outstanding building defects.

The aim of the Act is to ensure that all the key participants are regulated and that the designs for buildings comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and that any building work done complies with those designs. 

Practical examples of situations where the Design & Building Practitioners Act 2020 may be enforced will be provided.

COVID-19 Question Register:

The questions and their answers can be located by referring to the *timestamps below.
*Timestamp refers to the actual time this question was asked and answered during the webinar.

3 November 2021

In the 27th episode, our Board and special guests discuss how in recent times fraud has presented itself more and more in our growing Strata Industry. Fraud also occurs where data is stolen or hacked from a business’s database.

In this week’s webinar, our President Chris Duggan and Alistair Gibney, National Manager of Body Corporate Brokers will focus on key areas of fraud prevention and how to recognise it. Our panel of experts will cover how strata management companies can prevent, detect and minimise financial vulnerability to fraud and theft.

Types of fraud our experts will cover will include

  • Business fraud
  • Strata plan fraud
  • Contractor fraud
  • Licencing fraud

COVID-19 Question Register:

The questions and their answers can be located by referring to the *timestamps below.
*Timestamp refers to the actual time this question was asked and answered during the webinar.

20 October 2021

In the 25th episode, our Board and Secretariat representatives answer all your questions regarding the details of what the Professional Standards Scheme means for SCA (NSW) members and the operational processes implemented. This includes the SCA (NSW) Complaints handling process, the method and process and assessing complaints received, and the SCA (NSW) Professional Conduct and Oversight Committee and its functions.

COVID-19 Question Register:

The questions and their answers can be located by referring to the *timestamps below.
*Timestamp refers to the actual time this question was asked and answered during the webinar.

13 October 2021

SCA (NSW) 2021 strata meeting general recommendations.

With continuing uncertainty regarding COVID-19 recommendations and issues relating to the vaccination status of attendees, SCA (NSW) recommends that Strata Meetings continue to be held virtually. SCA (NSW) recommends such virtual meetings at least until the end of 2021.

Please click below to download our GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS (current as of 13 October 2021)

29 September 2021

In the 23rd episode, our board members answering your questions on what Strata Managers can do to prepare clients for the “new normal”, what your business should consider post-COVID-19 and practical measures you can put in place to help with a smooth transition once NSW opens up again.

The panel is providing insight into lessons learned during the pandemic, what opportunities the crisis has created, and recap the NSW Health updates for the week. We will revisit areas, including COVID-19’s safe plans for the common property, the reopening of common facilities and the creation of QR codes, including bulk uploads.

Chris Duggan, President SCA (NSW), Matt Press (Office of the Building Commissioner @ NSW Department of Customer Service) and a panel of SCA (NSW) Directors continue to discuss the COVID-19 outbreak and its impact on the Strata Industry. Panelists • Stephen Brell, Managing Director @ Netstrata • Emily Doherty, State Manager @ Strata Title Management (STM) • Tony Irvine, Director @ Your Local Strata 

COVID-19 Question Register:

The questions and their answers can be located by referring to the *timestamps below.
*Timestamp refers to the actual time this question was asked and answered during the webinar.

22 September 2021

As we move towards opening up across NSW we’ve started to take a look at what businesses can do to better support those staff returning to the office.

In our 21st episode, Emma Walsh (Founder and Chief Executive Officer – Parents at Work) is providing valuable insight into maintaining a work life balance when home schooling and working from home, what companies can do to better support staff with busy families, and what the future of hybrid working arrangements look like.

Parents At Work was founded in 2007 by HR and Career Coaching Social Entrepreneur, Emma Walsh to support not only mums and dads but also their organisations to better manage the challenges of juggling work and family life.

COVID-19 Question Register:

The questions and their answers can be located by referring to the *timestamps below.
*Timestamp refers to the actual time this question was asked and answered during the webinar.

15 September 2021

After more than 3 months of lockdown the exhaustion of keeping up with the changing strata environment is becoming increasingly challenging.

Our member’s collaborative feedback has assisted SCA (NSW) with highlighting the countless social displacement presented by this pandemic. We have delivered timely and relevant information inviting Government officials, NSW Health representatives, Industry experts and NSW Board representatives to ensure our members have been updated and are well informed of issues that arise.

In this webinar, Chris King (Regional Emergency Management Officer Northwest Metropolitan Region NSW Police) and Steve Valetas (Staff Office to Local Control NSW Police) discuss the ground zero issues confronting police in managing a highly charged COVID-19 positive situation in strata living.

Matthew Press (Director – Office of the Building Commissioner @ NSW Department of Customer Service), and Board representatives are answering your questions live during the course of the webinar.

COVID-19 Question Register:

The questions and their answers can be located by referring to the *timestamps below.
*Timestamp refers to the actual time this question was asked and answered during the webinar.

11 September 2021

To further support businesses and workers across the state at this critical time, the NSW Government has announced extensions to the 2021 COVID-19 support package.


  • Eligible businesses with a turnover between $75,000 to $250 million that continue to experience a minimum 30 per cent decline in turnover due to the Public Health Order will be eligible for payments of up to 40 per cent of their pre-COVID-19 weekly NSW payroll.
  • Eligible hospitality, tourism and recreation businesses with a turnover of more than $250 million and up to $1 billion that continue to experience the required decline in turnover due to the Public Health Order will be eligible to receive payments of 40 per cent of their pre-COVID weekly NSW payroll, up to $500,000 per week.
  • Eligible charitable Not-for-Profit (NFP) organisations in the social support and animal welfare sectors with a turnover between $75,000 and $250 million that show a minimum 15 per cent and less than 30 per cent decline in turnover will be eligible for payments of up to 40 per cent of their pre-COVID weekly NSW payroll. Eligible NFPs will be able to apply from later in September to access backdated payments.
  • From 10 September 2021, eligible businesses and NFPs will need to log in to their Business Profile from their MyServiceNSW Account every fortnight to reaffirm they continue to experience at least the minimum decline in turnover and have maintained their employee headcount, to continue receiving fortnightly JobSaver payments.
  • Check your eligibility and apply for JobSaver which is now extended until 2 October 2021.

COVID-19 Micro-business support grant 

  • Eligible businesses with a turnover of more than $30,000 and less than $75,000 that continue to experience a minimum 30 per cent decline in turnover due to the Public Health Order will be eligible for a fortnightly payment of $1,500 until 2 October 2021.
  • From the week of 13 September 2021, eligible businesses will need to log into their Business Profile from their MyServiceNSW Account every fortnight to reaffirm they continue to experience at least the minimum decline in turnover and have maintained their employee headcount, to continue receiving fortnightly payments.
  • Check your eligibility and apply for the COVID-19 Micro-business support grant

Payroll tax deferrals and waivers

Ongoing support available via JobSaver for businesses receiving the COVID-19 Business Grant

The NSW Government has extended the deadline for applications for the COVID-19 Business Grant until 11:59pm on 1 October 2021.

The COVID-19 Business Grant provides support for businesses that experienced reduced demand or had to close due to the public health orders. It provides cash flow support for the first 3 weeks of the restrictions (26 June 2021 to 17 July 2021).

All eligible businesses, including those outside of Greater Sydney, who can demonstrate that they experienced a decline in turnover of 30 per cent or more between 26 June 2021 to 17 July 2021 are encouraged to apply for the COVID-19 Business Grant. 

Eligible businesses that are still being financially impacted by COVID-19 restrictions can also apply for JobSaver support. The eligibility requirements for JobSaver are largely aligned to the COVID-19 Business Grant.

A new hardship panel will also assess businesses that do not qualify for COVID-19 grants, on a case-by-case basis. Further details about the hardship panel will be made available on nsw.gov.au in the coming weeks.

For more information about the 2021 COVID-19 support package visit nsw.gov.au

08 September 2021

In this webinar, Graeme Loy (Chief Executive at Western Sydney Local Health District) and Shopna Bag (Director of Public Health at Western Sydney Local Health District) discuss the current protocol, contact tracing and NSW Health expectations after recording a positive case in a strata scheme.

Board representatives are answering questions live during the course of the webinar.

COVID-19 Question Register:

The questions and their answers can be located by referring to the *timestamps below.
*Timestamp refers to the actual time this question was asked and answered during the webinar.

05 September 2021


Following consultation with industry, authorised workers from local government areas (LGAs) of concern now have until the end of 19 September 2021 to get vaccinated to allow them to continue to work outside of the LGA they live in, provided they have booked their COVID-19 vaccination by the end of Wednesday 8 September 2021.

The extended deadline means authorised workers from the LGAs of concern must have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by the end of Sunday 19 September to continue to work outside the LGA they live in from 20 September.

Authorised workers who are not yet vaccinated will have until the end of Wednesday 8 September 2021 to book their vaccination. From 9 September, authorised workers will be required to carry evidence of their booking if they wish to leave their LGA for work.

The requirement also applies to a relevant care worker aged 16 and over whose place of residence or place of work is in an LGA of concern. This includes those who work in an early education and care facility or who provide disability support services.

Authorised workers under the age of 16 years remain exempt from the requirement to be vaccinated.

If an “authorised worker” is not vaccinated or does not have a medical contraindication form, they will not be able to work outside their LGA after 19 September 2021.

Workers from the LGAs of concern are offered priority bookings for vaccination.

02 September 2021

After 10 weeks of lockdown, pandemic fatigue is real and understandable. Daily news cycles can be overwhelming, and each person has their own pressures such as family demands, work, home-schooling, financial stress, isolation and loneliness.

In this weeks webinar, Chris Duggan, President SCA (NSW) and Kimberley Jonsson – Chief Executive Officer at CHU shared advice on how you can support your team and unlock greater workplace fulfillment, productivity, and inclusion by prioritising employees’ mental health.

Matthew Press, Director – Office of the Building Commissioner @ NSW Department of Customer Service gave an update on Project remediate, the NSW government program to remediate combustible cladding on high risk residential apartment buildings.

Board representatives will be answering your questions live during the course of the webinar.


  • Kimberley Jonsson – Chief Executive Officer at CHU
  • Matthew Press, Director – Office of the Building Commissioner @ NSW Department of Customer Service

COVID-19 Question Register:

The questions and their answers can be located by referring to the *timestamps below.
*Timestamp refers to the actual time this question was asked and answered during the webinar.


COVID-19 UPDATE: Authorised workers in LGAs of concern

NSW Health has announced changes to requirements for vaccination of authorised workers who live in local government areas (LGAs) of concern and need to travel outside of these for work:

  • authorised workers must now have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by Monday 6 September
  • rapid antigen testing will no longer be an alternative to vaccination
  • authorised workers under the age of 16 years will be exempt from the requirement to be vaccinated.

A relevant care worker 16 years and over whose place of residence or place of work is in an area of concern must also have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by Monday 6 September in order to attend work.

This includes those who work in an early education and care facility or who provide disability support services.

We highly encourage vaccination. Workers and anyone aged 16-49 from LGAs of concern are being offered priority bookings for vaccination and can use the following links to book:

If an authorised worker is not vaccinated or does not have a medical contraindication form, they will not be able to work outside their LGA.
Changes to requirements to provide work addresses for COVID-19 travel registration

This week we shared information with you about COVID-19 travel registration. You will still need to register for travel within NSW if leaving Greater Sydney or leaving or entering a LGA of concern for work.

However, in response to industry feedback, we have removed the requirement to declare multiple destinations in COVID-19 travel registrations if a worker is not aware of all the locations they will visit in a 14-day period.

Travel registrations are valid for multiple journeys and for up to 14 days. Workers will need to re-register for a travel permit if they need to continue travelling 50km outside Greater Sydney, or from or to LGAs of concern, for work after their travel registration expires.

When registering for travel within NSW, a person will now have the option to declare they are an authorised worker with unknown work addresses. However, we encourage people to list the work addresses they know they will be visiting during the registration period, as this will make it easier for them should they be asked to provide proof of registration to travel for work.

Workers must still carry their travel registration and supporting documents, and substantiate any locations they are travelling to, if requested by NSW Police. 


New requirements apply for authorised workers living or working in LGAs of concern:

👉 Authorised workers who work outside their LGA of concern are only permitted to work if rapid antigen testing is implemented at their worksite or they have had their first vaccination dose by 30 August

👉 From Saturday 28 August, authorised workers from the LGAs of concern who work outside their LGA are required to carry a permit from Service NSW declaring that they are an authorised worker and cannot work from home

👉 From Saturday 28 August, anyone entering an LGA of concern for the purposes of work must carry a worker permit issued by Service NSW

Keep a copy of your confirmation email with your registration details. If requested, you’ll need to show your confirmation of registration to NSW Police.

🔗 Register for your permit here: https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/register-your-travel-within-nsw


In this week’s webinar, Chris Duggan, President SCA (NSW), and a panel of industry experts shared practical advice on various business challenges: 

  • Escalation procedures within your business. 
  • The flow of communication styles to and from committees and suppliers, and how to deal with non-communicative suppliers and owners alike.
  • Dealing with a problematic contractor.
  • Dealing with problematic/aggressive owners.
  • Different ideas businesses have implemented to reduce stress in the workplace. 

We also welcomed Matthew Press, Director of the Office of the Building Commissioner at NSW Department of Customer Service, who provided an update on government projects, including the new “Defects Process” and “Project Remediate.”

COVID-19 Question Register:

The questions and their answers can be located by referring to the *timestamps below.
*Timestamp refers to the actual time this question was asked and answered during the webinar.


Important Update: New COVID-19 Vaccination and Rapid Antigen Requirements

From 30 August, authorised workers from local government areas (LGAs) of concern, who work outside their LGA, will only be permitted to work if they have had at least one dose of vaccine, or they have a rapid antigen test at their worksite.

The new measures are designed to help protect the communities at highest risk of COVID-19, and build on the great progress we’re making to get NSW vaccinated and safe.

There are additional requirements for authorised workers who are entering construction sites. These rules are also set out on nsw.gov.au.

What this means for businesses 

All businesses who have authorised workers who live in a LGA of concern and travel outside the LGA of concern for work will need to:

  • confirm employees have received at least one dose of vaccine, or
  • confirm employees have been issued with a medical contraindication certificate, or
  • have employees undergo a rapid antigen test on site.

To support these authorised workers, there are now an additional 200,000 priority vaccination appointments available. 

These appointments can be booked at nsw.gov.au.

How to set up on-site rapid antigen testing

Where businesses set up rapid antigen testing on site, implementation must include the use of endorsed testing kits and supervision of testing by a health practitioner. Businesses may engage a third-party provider to manage this process.

To help, NSW Health has developed guidelines for rapid antigen testing, including what to do when a positive test occurs. Information on approved rapid antigen tests is available from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) website.

For more information:



As COVID-19 continues to spread in our community, additional measures have been put in place to help protect NSW, especially in our communities in the local government areas (LGAs) of concern, who currently face the highest risk. These include:

The following new restrictions around workplaces and “authorised workers” from the LGAs of concern will be introduced: 

  • authorised workers who work outside their LGA of concern are only permitted to work if rapid antigen testing is implemented at their worksite, or they have had their first vaccination dose by 30 August
  • from Saturday 28 August, “authorised workers” from the LGAs of concern are required to carry a permit from Service NSW declaring that they are an “authorised worker” and cannot work from home
  • from Saturday 28 August, anyone entering an LGA of concern for the purpose of work must carry a worker permit issued by Service NSW.

From 12:01am Monday 23 August, workers from the Canterbury-Bankstown, Cumberland and Fairfield LGAs will no longer have to have been tested for COVID-19 in the previous 72 hours to work outside their LGA.


COVID-19 has meant big changes to the way we all live and work. It’s becoming clear that businesses need to create a culture where employees can thrive, not just survive. In this webinar, Chris Duggan, President SCA (NSW), and a panel of industry experts share advice on how you can support your team and unlock greater workforce fulfillment, productivity, and inclusion by prioritising employees’ mental health.

COVID-19 Question Register:

The questions and their answers can be located by referring to the *timestamps below.
*Timestamp refers to the actual time this question was asked and answered during the webinar.


In this week’s webinar Chris Duggan, President SCA (NSW), and a panel of industry experts discussed the challenges for service providers and services to strata schemes and how to make the most of opportunities available. 


  • Caroline McConnachie, General Manager @ MaxBuild
  • Mark Jennings, Commercial Manager @ Express Glass
  • Tony Irvine, Director @ Your Local Strata
  • Emily Doherty, State Manager @ Strata Title Management
  • Stephen Brell, Managing Director @ Netstrata

COVID-19 Question Register:

The questions and their answers can be located by referring to the *timestamps below.
*Timestamp refers to the actual time this question was asked and answered during the webinar.


The COVID-19 Delta outbreak in Greater Sydney continues to cause widespread disruption. One of the key questions we’ve been fielding about COVID-19 and strata properties in Greater Sydney is what to do if a resident, or multiple residents, has tested positive for the virus.

In our latest webinar, we have been sharing firsthand experiences on how to deal with a COVID-19 outbreak within a strata scheme. 

Chris Duggan – President SCA (NSW), Matthew Press – Director at the Office of Building Commissioner (NSW Department of Customer Service)and a panel of industry experts continue to discuss the COVID-19 outbreak and its impact on the strata industry, and will answer the most relevant questions of the past few days.


  • Joanne Jenkins, Operations & Senior Strata Manager @ Strata Sense
  • Emily Doherty, State Manager @ Strata Title Management (STM)
  • Tony Irvine, Vice President SCA (NSW) and Director @ Your Local Strata

COVID-19 Question Register:

The questions and their answers can be located by referring to the *timestamps below.
*Timestamp refers to the actual time this question was asked and answered during the webinar.



NON-LOCKED DOWN LGAs – effective from Saturday 31 July 2021

▶️ Developers and builders can recommence work on construction sites across Sydney
▶️ Low-risk construction sites require COVID-19 safe plans
▶️ Tradespeople, including cleaners and gardeners are allowed to resume work with the following limitations

  • in an outdoor area, no more than 5 people  can undertake work at the same time.
  • in an indoor area, no more than 2 people are permitted. However one of the household members can be present in a separate room (eg. bedroom).

LOCKED DOWN LGAs (Canterbury-Bankstown, Fairfield, Liverpool, Blacktown and Cumberland, Parramatta, Campbelltown and Georges River)

▶️ Only ‘authorised workers’ can leave for work.
Following significant member enquiry, we sought immediate clarification on any exemption for the large workforce within locked down LGA’s that service strata schemes across Sydney.

Despite strong representation we have confirmed that the category of “other services” within authorised workers covers only workers performing essential services, like maintenance, safety, and upkeep related to public and recreational spaces

Strata buildings are considered private spaces, which means that services, including security, BMs, cleaning etc., are not included in the “other services” category. Therefore, workers performing those services are not allowed to leave their LGA. However, workers can provide services to buildings within the LGA they live in. 

For background purposes, the category ‘other services’ has been created to allow solely for the for minimum upkeep of parks by council employees/contractors.



SCA (NSW) hosted a webinar discussing the latest restrictions and their broader impact on service providers and services to strata schemes.

Chris Duggan, President SCA (NSW), was joined by a Government official and a panel of industry experts:

  • Matthew Press, Director, Office of the Building Commissioner @ NSW Department of Customer Service
  • Stephen Brell, Vice President SCA (NSW) and Managing Director Netstrata

COVID-19 Question Register:

The questions and their answers can be located by referring to the *timestamps below.
*Timestamp refers to the actual time this question was asked and answered during the webinar.


Changes have been made to the latest Public Health Order- https://gazette.legislation.nsw.gov.au/so/download.w3p?id=Gazette_2021_2021-332.pdf

The NSW government website has been updated to reflect the latest cleaning, repair and maintenance clarifications.

An excerpt of the latest advice is clear, reinforcing our consistent advice that cleaning is essential to the health and safety of the scheme.

“Waste management services and cleaning of common property of residential apartment buildings and commercial premises can continue.

Any repairs, maintenance or cleaning that can be delayed should be rearranged”


SCA (NSW) has also had this position definitively confirmed in writing by Fair Trading following direct discussion with NSW Health.

The term “authorised workers” has now been extended. Category 3 (Public administration and safety) now includes “fire protection and safety” as an authorised role.


SCA (NSW) hosted a webinar discussing the latest restrictions and their broader impact on service providers and services to strata schemes.

Chris Duggan, President SCA (NSW), was joined by a Government official and a panel of industry experts:

  • Matthew Press, Director, Office of the Building Commissioner @ NSW Department of Customer Service
  • Rob Broadhead, CEO & Founder of 2020 Fire Protection
  • Frank Boross, MD & Group CEO Havencab Property Group

COVID-19 Question Register:

The questions and their answers can be located by referring to the *timestamps below.
*Timestamp refers to the actual time this question was asked and answered during the webinar.


The Australia Government Department of Health and NSW Health provide daily updates on their websites.

Read about the COVID-19 health alert and in particular, how to protect yourself and others.

You can also learn more about protective measures against COVID-19 from the World Health Organization.

For general health advice, call the National Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080


The NSW Government has updated the face mask posters they had previously shared in light of this.

Wear a mask in common indoor areas –    Greater Sydney

Wear a mask in common areas – regional and rural NSW

Source: Public Health (COVID-19 Temporary Movement and Gathering Restrictions) Amendment (No 4) Order 2021e Public Health (COVID-19 Temporary Movement and Gathering Restrictions) Amendment (No 4) Order 202.  https://gazette.legislation.nsw.gov.au/so/download.w3p?id=Gazette_2021_2021-313.pdf

Please visit the NSW Government website for more information.



Hygiene advice for people living in residential buildings

Cleaning surfaces at home to help stop the spread



© All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means now known or to be invented, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information or retrieval system without written permission from the author or publisher, except for the brief inclusion of quotations in a review.

Please also visit ‘Strata and community schemes COVID-19 guidance’ on the NSW Fair Trading website.



SCA (NSW) has published this guidance to help managing agents prepare their business, workforce, workplaces, and sites for a safe and successful return to work, as the lockdown restrictions continue to ease across the state. This document has been produced in collaboration and consultation with strata industry experts, both nationally and internationally. We intend to provide owners and managers with a practical guide to creating safe workspaces and practices to prevent further spread of COVID-19 and mitigate the risk of new outbreaks. Click here to download


© All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means now known or to be invented, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information or retrieval system without written permission from the author or publisher, except for the brief inclusion of quotations in a review.



In 2020 SCA (NSW) were holding exclusive, and free webinars with panels of experts to discuss Coronavirus in further detail and address any concerns. Please note that some information in the webinar may have been superseded by recent government announcements but there is still a lot that is useful in helping you make informed decisions and implement practical steps straight away.

In 2020 SCA (NSW) were holding exclusive, and free webinars with panels of experts to discuss Coronavirus in further detail and address any concerns.

Please note that some information in the webinar may have been superseded by recent government announcements but there is still a lot that is useful in helping you make informed decisions and implement practical steps straight away.