
All members of our Strata Manager Chapter are ‘PROFESSIONAL STRATA MANAGERS’.

SCA (NSW) strives to ensure that all strata manager members are able to deliver

services to the public that are of the highest professional and ethical standard.

Our History


The Peak Industry Body for Strata & Community Title Management


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Strata Community Association (NSW) is the peak industry body for Strata and Community Title Management in New South Wales. Membership includes strata managers, support staff, committee members and suppliers of products and services to the industry. SCA (NSW) has in excess of 3,000 members who help oversee, advise or manage over 750,000 lots in NSW, and proudly fulfils the dual roles of a professional institute and consumer advocate. SCA (NSW) champions consumer rights and advocates for the highest industry standards, empowering its members to be the very best they can be. 

Membership of SCA (NSW) is open to Strata Managers and Suppliers to the sector.

A subscription service is also available to those owning a strata or community lot and members of the Owners Corporation Executive Committee.

SCA (NSW) is a affiliate member of Strata Community Association (SCA), the national body for Strata and Community sector.

On 1 July 1961 the first strata title legislation was introduced into NSW. Over those past 50 years strata in Australia has emerged as a strong industry which has as its very heart the needs and concerns of consumers.

The initial strata legislation from its very humble 1961 beginnings has done us proud and has even been exported to Singapore and Dubai as a model from which those countries can administer their own schemes.

On 5 November 1980 a group of strata managers got together and formed the first association representing strata managers which became the Institute of Strata Title Management (ISTM). For many years the organisation provided social and networking events and eventually gained accreditation as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) enabling it to offer it’s own strata-related training courses including the Certificate of Registration course and CPD.

Today we have an industry that has grown to the point that change was necessarily on the horizon and on 1 July 2013 ISTM rebranded as Strata Community Australia (NSW) and in 2018 as Strata Community Association (NSW) and has become part of an organisation whose aim is to have a bigger presence and a bigger say in strata and community title industry at both a state and national level.

New Book Chronicles the 40-Year History of Strata in NSW

In 2017, a lunch between industry stalwarts John Coleman and Phil Duggan resulted in a plan to record the history of Strata Community Association (NSW) and the idea for a book started to take shape.

That book is almost a reality and will be published in time to mark the 40th anniversary of the formation of the Institute of Strata Title Management (ISTM), rebranded in 2011 to SCA (NSW). Written by John Coleman and titled ‘From the Ground Up: the story of strata title in New South Wales’, it is an in-depth history of both the organisation and the broader history of strata in New South Wales.