COVID-19 Webinar – 24 March 2020

COVID-19 Webinar – 24 March 2020

Chris Duggan: SCA (NSW)President -Webinar Facilitator

Bill Coles: Managing Director, Cleaning & Caretaking Corporation Pty Ltd – Commercial Cleaning Expert

Anne Mare Paul: CCO CHU Underwriting Agency – Insurance Expert

Joel Russel: Client Director Kelly+Partners Chartered Accountants   Tax and Business Expert


The webinar focused on the most heightened requirement for cleaning in our generation, outlining that companies and teams have increased disinfecting and sanitising procedures at key points across the nation, including in Strata Titled buildings.

The increased requirements have allowed a healthy demand for the strata cleaning industry, which has helped keep some companies afloat and even in a position to hire more staff.

The webinar unpacked the legality and challenges, obligations and duty of care for buildings and cleaners at risk.

The webinar looked at insurances, in particular those who are financially vulnerable. There are big questions surrounding the impact to premiums, rates and affordability.

Insurers are mindful and looking at ways to mitigate increases moving forward – specifically for scheme insurance premiums.

It’s inevitable that buildings may not be able to pay premiums – insurers are working to provide necessary relief during the crisis.

The Federal and State’s government stimulus packages were outlined in detail, and the experts discussed who (relevant to the strata industry) can access the package, and how the package relates to their situation.

Full webinar can be accessed here