Broadband networks in apartment buildings: considerations for strata owners and strata managers

NSW Fair Trading has written to SCA (NSW) forwarding information issued by the Federal Department of Communications for strata owners and strata managers concerning the installation of the National Broadband Network in strata properties.


Owners and managers may have been approached by some internet service providers with proposals to service and connect their strata schemes.


NSW Fair Trading has indicated that the nature of the connection and the agreed contract can have significant implications for the owners and residents such as losing the ability to choose other internet providers due to technical or contractual issues.


Owners corporations are being advised to carefully consider the terms and conditions of any service agreement offered by internet service providers. Areas that should be closely reviewed include the term of the contract, one-off and ongoing charges, arrangements for individuals and arrangements for site access.


If you’ve had some problems or have a general inquiry about a service agreement or internet provider you can contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman on p: 1800 062 058 or email


Complaints can be lodged via the online complaint form available here.


Owners corporations are encouraged to seek independent legal advice if they have an issue. You can access a list of SCA (NSW) members who are lawyers here.


The Department of Communications fact sheet is available here.