On Thursday, the NSW Fair Trading released details on the new CPD education year, expected hours and training delivery requirements, and what the compulsory topics will be.
Key takeaways:
- CPD education year is 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025
- Class 1 or 2 licence will be required to complete a minimum of five hours CPD training
- Training delivery requirements remain the same as for 2023-24
- 4 Compulsory topics: Strata law reforms 2023-24, Introduction to work health and safety obligations in strata management, New Supervision Guidelines for strata managing agencies and Best practice management of building defects, maintenance and repair.
Training delivery requirements remain the same as for 2023-24, including either:
- an in-person classroom session delivered by a trainer, with a maximum of 40 participants, or
- an online interactive webinar session, delivered by a trainer, with a maximum of 25 participants, or
- 10 hours of purely online training, which includes all compulsory topics applicable to the agent’s licence category and additional elective training to make up the 10 hours. Compulsory topics must be delivered by an approved CPD provider.
Compulsory topics are:
Topic outlines, including learning outcomes, are in the final stages of development and will be sent out by mid-April 2024.
The NSW Fair Trading website will be updated with comprehensive information on the 2024-25 CPD requirements by May 2024, including information on the CPD requirements for agents who hold more than one category of licence.
New Supervision Guidelines
Supervision Guidelines will start on 1 July 2024 in line with the new CPD year. The new Guidelines are in the final stage of development and will be ready to share mid-April 2024. Publication on the NSW Fair Trading website and further communications will follow after that.