Bill Coles – Triple Winner

It takes a special sort of person to receive the SCA (NSW) President’s Award, Max Dunn Award and be made a Life Member. Very few people achieve this but some have. Bill Coles is the latest to receive this trifecta of honours.

Interestingly his very good friend Richard Holloway is the only other member of this elite group. Must be the red wine both are fond of.

Bill says that having these honours, gained over the past 35 years of contribution to the strata industry is sublime. He also mentioned it was humbling and was very quick to ensure Richard was mentioned.

“We’ve worked and been part of the strata industry side-by-side over the years and so to be in a grouping with him makes me proud but is also humbling,” Bill said.

Bill’s first recognition was receiving the Max Dunn Award in 2007. This award recognises those that foster goodwill in the strata industry.

In 2008 Bill was again recognised with the President’s Award for his many years of good service.

This year, 2018, he was awarded Life Membership.

Bill’s contribution to the industry is extensive. His service to the industry has included 16 years on the NSW Board which he stepped down from only this year.

As Chair of the Events Committee Bill has overseen most annual conventions, Christmas parties and pub nights and has also Chaired the Services Committee.

One of his qualities is that he brought a balanced and fair view to the Board and has always been a solid conduit between strata managers and service providers. Bill also understands strata owners as he has invested in strata titled property and Chairs a few executive committees.

Although he has ‘retired’ from the SCA (NSW) Board, Bill’s not done yet.

“I didn’t want to go past my use by date and wanted to see younger people now coming up given their chance so it was time to let them bring their new ideas through and shine.”

Bill’s not going too far through having just been elected to the position of SCA National Vice President.

“I’m thrilled to take my experience to the National level and to be getting a new experience working across all the states. We’re seeing a lot more cohesion at the National level and have a new CEO to steer us through.”

“We have launched an international study tour and our next convention is in Auckland so it’s an exciting time.”

Congratulations Bill. We can’t wait to see what you do next.