Have your say

Strata owners are being encouraged to have their say on laws around short-term rentals.

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and Department of Customer Service are seeking your feedback on draft Regulations that have been proposed and are aimed at introducing a state-wide planning framework and Code of Conduct for short-term rental accommodation.

The proposed changes are outlined in a Discussion Paper, which also seeks feedback about introducing a new industry-led short-term rental accommodation property register.

The exhibition is open for public feedback until 11 September 2019.

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and the Department of Customer Service say they welcome feedback from the community, government agencies, councils, industry and other stakeholders during consultation. This will help them to better understand the opinions and concerns of the community, which in turn will inform the Government’s decisions.

To have your say, you need to complete an online submission form or send a written submission to:

Att: Director, Housing and Infrastructure Policy
NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Sydney NSW 2000

Whatever way you do it, make sure you have your say by the due date 11 September 2019.