In another major step forward to improve collaboration with the industry and protect the rights of NSW consumers in the property sector, the NSW Government and Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation, Kevin Anderson MP, have announced a Property Services Commissioner will be appointed in NSW.
The role of Property Services Commissioner is that of an independent industry expert who will oversee real estate agencies and professionals who provide services to the property sector, and this includes strata professionals.
The pending appointment demonstrates the commitment of the NSW Government to a comprehensive review of Fair Trading, with the Commissioner’s first priority to make recommendations directly to the Minister.
The Commissioner will join the Property Services Expert Panel to work in collaboration with the property industry and as Chair, I am looking forward to driving positive collaborative change towards better protecting consumers.
In a recent statement from Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation, Hon. Kevin Anderson MP, he said: “We are taking the same successful approach we did for the construction sector by appointing a Building Commissioner.”
The appointment of Building Commissioner, David Chandler, last year was a huge step forward for the construction sector and the beginning of a new era of stability and consumer confidence. Mr Chandler currently has five orders in place regarding major structural changes and compliance issues that need to be rectified in NSW buildings.
The Minister and the Office of Fair Trading are leading the way in Australia in providing consumer protection to the people of NSW, with the support of industry bodies like SCA (NSW).
For our part, SCA (NSW) is introducing the Professional Standards Scheme with effect of 1 July, which has the full support of the NSW Government and will serve to protect the interests of NSW consumers specifically in the strata sector.
The appointment of Commissioner Chandler, the introduction of the SCA (NSW) Professional Standards Scheme and the pending appointment of a Property Services Commissioner all support a platform of improved consumer protection in New South Wales.