The definition of evolve is to develop, progress, advance and I could not think of a better description of what is happening with the NSW strata industry at present.
I’m Chris Duggan and I was elected by the SCA (NSW) Board to the role of President at the Annual General Meeting in late October. I am honoured to have been elected to this role and to follow Greg Haywood who served SCA (NSW) as President for four years and was responsible for overseeing the progression of the new legislation through the government processes.
Thank you, Greg, for the work you put into the President’s role and the support you have provided the board, the membership and the secretariat. As we all start the evolution process I am pleased that we are coming from such a solid base and that we will have Greg remain on the board to guide us.
Our Annual Convention in October was themed “Evolve” and provided delegates with a great diversity of speakers. This year we reverted to the two-day format with strata managers coming the first day and principals on the second.
Topics were geared towards helping members understand their new obligations under the strata laws. I was interested to hear from NSW Fair Trading’s Michael Courtney who indicated that the government expects there will be a feeling out period while the new laws take effect. If you get stuck and need help, Fair Trading can be contacted and we have assurances you won’t be penalised. My advice is to ask questions and get assistance as soon as possible after any issue or interpretative concerns arises.
As you’ll see from the photos, the Convention also involved fun, food, dancing and some slightly sore heads on the second day. We pushed through however and our strata principal members were rewarded with a great program on growing their businesses, engaging with their employees, understanding Fair Work obligations and a confronting presentation on cybersecurity (you should be worried if your security is not up-to-date or up to scratch).
During the Convention Gala Dinner we handed out our awards which are determined by the board. Congratulations to CHU’s Pip Ryan who received the Max Dunn Award and to Strata Plus’ David Ferguson who received the President’s Award.
This year we also recognised outstanding contributions by two of our Platinum sponsors CHU and Macquarie Bank. Both these companies have supported NSW for as long as we can remember in sponsorship and we are grateful also for the guidance, education and assistance they have given during that time and continue to do so.
Thank you also to Magnatex’s Neil Trenwith and Christine Kinsela for the work they put into reviewing the Strata Works Agreement. A lot of work is done by members who volunteer their time like Neil and Christine and we are delighted to be able to recognise it and thank them.
I want to also congratulate Tony Irvine who was elected to represent the Strata Manager Chapter – we are thrilled to have him back on the board. Also re-elected was Greg Haywood, Bill Coles and Colin Grace. Thank you to Deanne Holz who has now stepped down from the board.
I am looking forward to the next 12 months. It will be exciting and challenging as we go through this time but there is plenty of support so make sure you take it.
Chris Duggan
SCA (NSW) President