The Strata Hub is set to receive a series of enhancements in mid-December 2024, designed to make managing strata schemes more efficient and streamlined for strata managers and owners.
In a recent SCA (NSW) webinar, Therese Konwerski (Department of Customer Service) went over the upcoming Strata Hub features designed to help strata schemes comply with regulatory requirements.
Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming Strata Hub updates:
1. A New Transfer Feature
Managing transitions between strata managers can often be a complex and time-consuming process. The new transfer strata manager feature will simplify this, making it easier to move schemes between strata managers. This feature will be available to the involved strata managers or any user with access to the scheme’s reporting information.
2. Vacant Positions
Strata schemes will now be able to report vacant positions for key roles, such as the Secretary or Chairperson, directly through the Strata Hub. This new functionality will require the entry of a date and reason for the vacancy, making it easier for schemes to maintain up-to-date records and improve governance.
3. A Library of Key Resources
A new library of key resources will be added to the Strata Hub. This initial library will include important strata forms and will be continuously expanded over time. Accessible to any registered user of the Strata Hub, it provides valuable tools for strata managers and other stakeholders.
4. Public ‘Strata Search’ Enhancement
The Public ‘Strata Search’ function will now show expanded results, including the strata manager’s name and their licence number. This data will be accessible both when logged into the Hub and through the public strata search, improving transparency and access to important information for the public.
5. Pull in Reported Information
A new software integration feature will allow strata managers to pull reported data directly from the Strata Hub for the schemes they manage. This integration will streamline reporting and help ensure that strata managers have accurate and up-to-date information at their fingertips.
6. Integration with Local Councils
The Strata Hub will integrate with local council systems, allowing councils to access certain strata data directly within their own systems. This will help improve coordination and make it easier for councils to obtain the necessary information from strata schemes.
7. Data Validation for Improved Compliance
To encourage better compliance with reporting requirements, expanded data validations will be introduced. These validations will appear in various fields, helping ensure that strata schemes meet the necessary regulatory standards.