Combustible Cladding Regulation – registration reminder

A reminder to building owners about the deadline to register certain residential and public buildings on a dedicated NSW Government portal if it they may have external combustible cladding is 22 February 2019 for buildings occupied before 22 October 2018.

Registration and identification of these buildings helps Fire and Rescue NSW to respond accordingly in the case of a fire and educate occupants about additional fire prevention steps that can be taken. It also helps councils to decide whether any assessment or rectification actions are necessary.

Owners of new buildings will be required to register their building within four months of the building first being occupied.

The registration requirements are simple and building owners only need basic information about their building to register. You do not need to engage an expert for this.

For more information on the regulation go to the Department of Planning website. Answers to frequently asked questions are available here. This includes supplementary frequently asked questions for building owners which have now been released.

This is part of the work being done by the inter-agency Fire Safety and External Wall Cladding Taskforce.

More information

  • Further information is available online.
  • Phone: 1300 305 695
  • If you require translation assistance, please call 131 450.
  • Email: