On the 23rd of October, the strata world will converge on the SCA NSW Convention. Bringing together the industry at a time when strata faces pivotal change and big conversations are needed!
Here are the 7 unmissable conversations happening at this year’s SCA NSW Convention:
#1 Front-Burner Topic – Remuneration Reform
The NSW government has made it clear; strata insurance remuneration reform is on the table.
In an unmissable conversation, our expert panel will delve into the major questions surrounding the potential reforms at the forefront of every strata stakeholder’s mind: What does this look like? How will this affect the industry if it goes ahead? What would the time frames need to be? What’s the strata insurance industry’s reaction?
#2 The Great Strata Debate – Strata has the Lowest Levels of Government Regulation
Does our industry leave the door open to cowboys and bad actors through a lack of regulation? Or are we already well ahead of the red tape line?
Join strata professionals Joshua Jasnos, Leanne Habib and a special guest, as they go head-to-head debating the age-old statement ‘Strata has the lowest levels of Government Regulation’.
#3 Leadership skills demonstrated in establishing a business
Olivia Jenkins is a multi-award-winning Business & Marketing Consultant and the expert in transforming brands to cult-like status. Since mid-2019, her firm has helped clients generate over $65 million in sales, positioning clients as industry leaders.
Whether you’re new to leadership or looking to transform your leadership identity, Olivia’s session will give you the tools to start you on that mission.
#4 Legal v Ethical – Dr Attracta Lagan
Just because it is legal does not mean it is ethical. Dr Attracta Lagan, a leading Australian ethicist, discusses conflicts of interest and the difference between ethical and legal.
#5 A Conversation on Leadership – ‘World Leaders I’ve Met & Their Top 10 Leadership Qualities & Attributes’
John Howard is no stranger to making tough decisions in the face of adversity – a true definition of leadership. As the nation’s second-longest-serving Prime Minister, Mr Howard has met and worked with world leaders from across the political and social divide.
In this must-see session, Mr Howard recounts the world leaders he’s met and the qualities that made them leaders in their fields.
#6 – Anoulack Chanthivong – The Government’s Plans for Strata In NSW
Be at the forefront of regulation in NSW strata with an update from the Hon. Anoulack Chanthivong, Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading, and Minister for Building.