
All members of our Strata Manager Chapter are ‘PROFESSIONAL STRATA MANAGERS’.

SCA (NSW) strives to ensure that all strata manager members are able to deliver

services to the public that are of the highest professional and ethical standard.


Is it the Owner’s or Owners Corporation’s Responsibility?

A comprehensive guide outlining common property items and guidance on who is responsible for their maintenance and replacement.

A huge amount of work has gone into compiling the information and updating the guide to ensure that all readers receive the most up-to-date suggestions and recommendations for addressing property damage and liability in strata.

First launched in 2010, the “Who’s Responsible: A Guide to Common Property” guide provides a comprehensive list of items found within a building that could generally be considered common property. It aims to give some guidance on who usually would be responsible for giving that item attention.

The guide is not meant to be a definitive answer to some of the more complex questions, although it can be used as a start.

SCA (NSW) recommends that in more complex cases, the guide should be used in conjunction with the strata plan and by-laws to determine who is responsible for repairs and maintenance.

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The Peak Industry Body for Strata & Community Title Management