
All members of our Strata Manager Chapter are ‘PROFESSIONAL STRATA MANAGERS’.

SCA (NSW) strives to ensure that all strata manager members are able to deliver

services to the public that are of the highest professional and ethical standard.



The Peak Industry Body for Strata & Community Title Management

What is Project Intervene?

Project Intervene uses the powers of Fair Trading to compel developers/builders to remediate serious defect/s. 

These powers permit the regulator to issue to a developer/builder a range of work orders for fixing non-compliant building work.

Project Intervene imposes measures to ensure remediation work is completed to an appropriate standard, and imposes timeframes.

Quick links

Project Intervene FAQ

Click here to have all your Project Intervene queries answered.

Project Intervene Toolkit

Click here to have all your Project Intervene queries answered.

Webinar - Project Intervene