What the PSS means for Consumers and Strata Managers

What the PSS Means for Consumers and Strata Managers

The introduction of the Professional Standards Scheme earlier this year by Strata Community Association (NSW) has advanced consumer protections in New South Wales to the highest level nationally.

An historic achievement for the protection and enforcement of consumer rights, the significance of the inaugural PSS in Australia’s $1trillion strata sector will be shown in its ongoing and widespread adoption by all SCA (NSW) members.

Under the SCA (NSW) PSS, our Strata Manager members:

  • Are bound by a Code of Ethics that compels them to act honestly, ethically and with a duty of care to their clients
  • Must comply with a formal complaints and discipline regime for consumer or industry participant complaints
  • Must comply with a continuous education regime that is double the requirements for a licence/certificate under NSW Fair Trading
  • Must meet certain practice standards in their day-to-day operations
  • Will be regularly audited to ensure compliance with the Code of Ethics

These requirements are aimed at not only improving how Strata Managers run their business, but also deliver day-to-day improvements in outcomes for owners and owners’ corporations.

Additionally, outcomes are reported to Professionals Standards Australia annually, with an obligation to document increases in professionalism across the industry moving forward.

Meet Our PSS Team Members!

To ensure our PSS achieves its dual objectives of improving the professional standards of our valued members and providing the highest level of consumer protections, we have recently expanded our PSS team.

As stated by SCA (NSW) President: “Our PSS has been created for your benefit and that of the estimated two million New South Wales residents who own or live in strata title properties.

“Our new staff members have been appointed to develop ideas further, solve problems, work with our Strata Manager members, and advise them on how the PSS can help improve professionalism to serve you better.”

The staff members and their positions are:

Michael McCann – Professional Standards Compliance Manager

Scott Martin – Relationship Manager

The Road Ahead

SCA (NSW) members and consumers in New South Wales can look forward to many positive changes that will stem from our PSS over the next five years.

We are committed to enhancing the professionalism of our members for the benefit of consumers in our state. Through our PSS, we are working towards strengthening consumer protections and restoring consumer confidence.

Should you have any questions regarding our PSS, please contact SCA (NSW) via phone (02 9492 8200) or email (pss.nsw@strata.community).