Meeting request to the Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation

Hon. Kevin Anderson MP
Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation
GPO Box 5341
Sydney, NSW 2001


Dear Minister,


 Our Association is the peak organisation representing the interests of two million people in New South Wales who own, manage or live in units, apartments, townhouses and commercial strata property in this State.

Nationally, SCA Members have responsibility for the management $1.2trillion of building and property assets and we have a database of millions of strata residents through our member companies.

Your Government and you personally are to be commended for the way you stepped in and assisted the Mascot Towers owners and residents, however the issues facing strata titled apartments is widespread.

It is obvious to us all that the unit and apartment market in NSW is in turmoil.

Flammable cladding can lead to serious death and injury.  Over 70 people died in London two years ago in the Grenfell Towers fire and my Association is under pressure from its members to work with your Government to find a solution.

We do not want someone to die in this State before this cladding issue is properly addressed and a solution found.

I have been unsuccessful in my requests for a meeting with you and or a senior NSW Minister to address issues relevant to the strata sector.

I am requesting again that we meet, and my membership is demanding to know why your Government has not met with us to date to discuss the many and varied issues that confront Strata.

I look forward to your advice on our request to meet as a matter of urgency.

Yours sincerely,


Chris Duggan
SCA (NSW) President